Nowadays, divorce rating is increasing because of women’s rights, divorce ratings are on the rise, families around the world have become a place of love and support, but also one where fundamental human rights violations and gender inequalities continue. In…
The typical story of divorce in television shows and films is to represent females as known victims. While the males are portrayed as silent sufferers who feel frustration, rage, depression, and fear about financial problems, disturbed relationships, and family stress. Divorce is hard for…
Generally speaking, we define domestic violence as when one person in a dating, marital, or in a live-in relationship takes power and authority over another. An important thing to note about this is that we’re talking about a repetitive behavior,…
Hostile Aggressive Parenting is described as a sequence of actions or behaviors on the part of one parent or guardian that interferes with or generates problems in a child’s or children’s connection with their other parent or guardian or other…
Family lawyers are legal professionals specializing in family law matters. They deal with legal matters that concern members of the family. Such legal issues include, but are not limited to, divorce, child custody, and custody. Family lawyers can act as…
An interesting issue is, Can I date while going through a divorce? The legal complications in this are for both a divorcing spouse & their new partner. Dating while divorce may hold back and complicate the divorce proceedings, may affect…
In the divorce, there are many terms that get consideration and then start the procedure of divorce but children! children are a weak and most important part of divorce to the parties. They can’t adjust to a child’s future or…
Divorce can be a devastating experience, and the phase gives a variety of feelings from guilt to rage to depression. Divorce is painful, and the broken relation indicates the loss for your future of all your commitments and promises that you…