According to Indian law, a man is recognized as the father of a child born during the course of a marriage. Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, stipulates that a child born within a valid marriage or within…
1. Within one week following the service of summons or the initial meeting with the counselor for mediation and conciliation, the parties involved shall establish an interim visitation plan. 2. The fundamental principles upheld by the courts emphasize the importance…
When a romantic relationship ends for any reason, the girlfriend may subsequently accuse her boyfriend of rape, alleging that he intoxicated her and took her to a hotel or that he deceived her into visiting a hotel where he allegedly assaulted…
Many unmarried men think that there is a strong possibility that after marriage they along with their family members will face false dowry demand, 498a, maintenance and other cases filed by the wife and their golden years will be spoiled in attending…
The husband is usually under three types of misconceptions regarding payment of interim maintenance: – The wife’s father is rich and she therefore does not have right to claim maintenance from the husband. Even if wife’s father is rich, he…
Many times, the husband out of natural love and affection or with the intention of saving on stamp duty/registration fee purchase property either in the wife’s single name or in joint names. The husband may pay the entire consideration amount…
Parents are legaly bound to maintain their minor children i.e. Children below 18 years of age. Usually parents disown their children due to child’s involvement in criminal activity, family disputes, refusal to follow family traditions/rules/values or marriage to a partner…
The Court may pass order for grant of maintenance to the dependent wife, children and aged parents unable to maintain themselves. The court may pass order under Section. 125, Criminal Procedure Code, Section. 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 or…
The Hon’ble Bombay High Court, Justice Sandipkumar More, has recently held that a divorced wife can file a case under the Domestic Violence Act. In the present matter husband had argued that he had obtained divorce from the wife and there was…
Once matrimonial proceedings i.e. Petition for Divorce, Petition for judicial separation, Petition for annulment of marriage Petition for maintenance, Petition for child custody, Petition for recovery of stridhan, Petition under domestic violence act etc are filed by one spouse. The…